1997 | 1999


Proceedings of CoNLL-98

The Second Conference on Computational Language Learning (CoNLL-98) was held on January 22 - 24, 1998 in Sydney, Australia.

Paper copies of these proceedings can be ordered from the Association for Computational Linguistics, 75 Paterson Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 USA, phone: +1-732-342-9100, fax: +1-732-342-9339, e-mail: acl@aclweb.org

The editor of these proceedings is David Powers.

Invited Lecture

Abstraction is Harmful in Language Learning
Walter Daelemans
[ps] [pdf]


Natural Language Learning by Recurrent Neural Networks: A Comparison with Probabilistic Approaches
Michael Towsey, Joachim Diederich, Ingo Schellhammer, Stephan Chalup and Claudia Brugman
[ps] [pdf]

Learning a Lexicalised Grammar for German
Sandra Kübler
[ps] [pdf]

A Lexically-Intensive Algorithm for Domain-Specific Knowledge Acquisition
Ren´ Schneider
[ps] [pdf]

Tagging and Treebanks

Look-Back and Look-Ahead in the Conversion of Hidden Markov Models into Finite State Transducers
André Kempe
[ps] [pdf]

The effect of alternative tree representations on tree bank grammars
Mark Johnson
[ps] [pdf]

Automation of Treebank Annotation
Thorsten Brants and Wojciech Skut
[ps] [pdf]

Implementing a Sense Tagger in a General Architecture for Text Engineering
Hamish Cunningham, Mark Stevenson and Yorick Wilks
[ps] [pdf]

Learning 2

Knowledge Extraction and Recurrent Neural Networks: An Analysis of an Elman Network trained on a Natural Language Learning Task
Ingo Schellhammer, Joachim Diederich, Michael Towsey and Claudia Brugman
[ps] [pdf]

Finding Structure via Compression
Jason L. Hutchens and Michael D. Alder
[ps] [pdf]

Invited lecture

Linguistic Theory in Statistical Language Learning
Christer Samuelsson
[ps] [pdf]

Semantics and Pragmatics

A Bayesian Approach to Automating Argumentation
Richard McConachy, Kevin B. Korb and Ingrid Zukerman
[ps] [pdf]

Automatically generating hypertext in newspaper articles by computing semantic relatedness
Stephen J. Green
[ps] [pdf]

Choosing A Distance Metric for Automatic Word Categorization
Emin Erkan Korkmaz and Göktürk Üçoluk
[ps] [pdf]

Sense Variation and Lexical Semantics Generative Operations
Patrick Saint-Dizier
[ps] [pdf]

Multilingual analyses

An Attempt to Use Weighted Cusums to Identify Sublanguages
Harold Somers
[ps] [pdf]

Cross-Entropy and Linguistic Typology
Patrick Juola
[ps] [pdf]

Applications and Explanations of Zipf's Law
David M.W. Powers
[ps] [pdf]

Information Retrieval, Dialogue and Generation

Proper Name Classification in an Information Extraction Toolset
Peter Wallis, Edmund Yuen and Greg Chase
[ps] [pdf]

Evolution and Evaluation of Document Retrieval Queries
Robert Steele and David Powers
[ps] [pdf]

Generation of Simple Turkish Sentences with Systemic-Functional Grammar
Ilyas Cicekli and Turgay Korkmaz
[ps] [pdf]

Phonology and Pronounciation

Extracting Phoneme Pronunciation Information from Corpora
Ian Thomas, Ingrid Zukerman and Bhavani Raskutti
[ps] [pdf]


Modularity in Inductively-Learned Word Pronunciation Systems
Antal van den Bosch, Ton Weijters and Walter Daelemans
[ps] [pdf]

Do Not Forget: Full Memory in Memory-Based Learning of Word Pronunciation
Antal van den Bosch and Walter Daelemans
[ps] [pdf]

Natural Language Concept Analysis
V. Kamphuis and J.J. Sarbo
[ps] [pdf]

The Present Use of Statistics in the Evaluation of NLP Parsers
Jim Entwisle and David Powers
[ps] [pdf]

A Method of Incorporating Bigram Constraints into an LR Table and Its Effectiveness in Natural Language Processing
Hiroki Imai and Hozumi Tanaka
[ps] [pdf]


Selective Attention and the Acquisition of Spatial Semantics
James M. Hogan, Joachim Diederich and Gerard D. Finn
[ps] [pdf]

Towards Language Acquisition by an Attention-Sharing Robot
Hideki Kozima and Akira Ito
[ps] [pdf]

A Constructivist Approach to Machine Translation
Michael Carl
[ps] [pdf]


Shallow Post Morphological Processing with KURD
Michael Carl and Antje Schmidt-Wigger
[ps] [pdf]

Induction of a Stem Lexicon for Two-level Morphological Analysis
Erika F. de Lima
[ps] [pdf]

Workshop on Human Computer Conversation

Introducing MegaHal
Jason L. Hutchens and Michael D. Alder
[ps] [pdf]

Methods and tricks used in an attempt to pass the Turing Test
Veronique Bastin and Denis Cordier
[ps] [pdf]

The Total Turing Test and the Loebner Prize
David M. W. Powers
[ps] [pdf]

Language Model and Sentence Structure Manipulations for Natural Language Applications Systems
Zenshiro Kawasaki, Keiji Takida and Masato Tajima
[ps] [pdf]

Position Paper on Appropriate Audio/Visual Turing Test
Bradley B. Custer
[ps] [pdf]

Workshop on Paradigms amd Grounding in Language Learning

Learning Feature-Value Grammars from Plain Text
Tony C. Smith
[ps] [pdf]

Morphemes as Necessary Concept for Structures Discovery from Untagged Corpora
Hervé Déjean
[ps] [pdf]

The segmentation problem in morphology learning
Christopher D. Manning
[ps] [pdf]

Reconciliation of Unsupervised Clustering, Segmentation and Cohesion
David M. W. Powers
[ps] [pdf]

Syntactico-Semantic Learning of Categorical Grammars
Isabelle Tellier
[ps] [pdf]

ANLP Post Graduate Workshop

Relative Clause Coordination and Subordination in Japanese
Timothy Baldwin
[ps] [pdf]

Extracting Information from Conference Announcements: High Recall, High Precision
Kevin Cheong
[ps] [pdf]

A Knowledge-Based Approach for Searching Semi-Structured Documents
Xiaoying(Sharon) Gao
[ps] [pdf]

Determining PP Attachment through Semantic Associations and Preferences
Michael Niemann
[ps] [pdf]

A Method of Sentence Optimizing for Chinese Text Generation
Jinqian Li, Dongmo Zhang and Tianfang Yao
Not available

Experiments in English/Vietnamese retrieval
Van Be Hai Nguyen, Ross Wilkinson and Justin Zobel
Not available

Last update: March 08, 2002. erikt@uia.ua.ac.be