Thursday, June 23, 2011 | |
9:00–9:05 | Opening Remarks |
Session 1 | |
9:05–9:30 | Modeling Syntactic Context Improves Morphological Segmentation Yoong Keok Lee, Aria Haghighi and Regina Barzilay |
9:30–9:55 | The Effect of Automatic Tokenization, Vocalization, Stemming, and POS Tagging on Arabic Dependency Parsing Emad Mohamed |
9:55–10:20 | Punctuation: Making a Point in Unsupervised Dependency Parsing Valentin I. Spitkovsky, Hiyan Alshawi and Daniel Jurafsky |
10:20–10:50 | Coffee Break |
Session 2 | |
10:50–11:15 | Modeling Infant Word Segmentation Constantine Lignos |
11:15–11:40 | Word Segmentation as General Chunking Daniel Hewlett and Paul Cohen |
11:40–12:40 | (Invited talk) Computational Linguistics for Studying Language in People: Principles, Applications and Research Problems Bruce Hayes |
12:40–14:00 | Lunch Break |
Session 3 | |
14:00–14:25 | Search-based Structured Prediction applied to Biomedical Event Extraction Andreas Vlachos and Mark Craven |
14:25–14:50 | Using Sequence Kernels to identify Opinion Entities in Urdu Smruthi Mukund, Debanjan Ghosh and Rohini Srihari |
14:50–15:15 | Subword and Spatiotemporal Models for Identifying Actionable Information in Haitian Kreyol Robert Munro |
15:15–15:40 | Gender Attribution: Tracing Stylometric Evidence Beyond Topic and Genre Ruchita Sarawgi, Kailash Gajulapalli and Yejin Choi |
15:40–16:10 | Coffee Break |
16:10–17:45 | Main Session Posters |
Improving the Impact of Subjectivity Word Sense Disambiguation on Contextual Opinion Analysis Cem Akkaya, Janyce Wiebe, Alexander Conrad and Rada Mihalcea | |
Effects of Meaning-Preserving Corrections on Language Learning Dana Angluin and Leonor Becerra-Bonache | |
Assessing Benefit from Feature Feedback in Active Learning for Text Classification Shilpa Arora and Eric Nyberg | |
ULISSE: an Unsupervised Algorithm for Detecting Reliable Dependency Parses Felice Dell’Orletta, Giulia Venturi and Simonetta Montemagni | |
Language Models as Representations for Weakly Supervised NLP Tasks Fei Huang, Alexander Yates, Arun Ahuja and Doug Downey | |
Automatic Keyphrase Extraction by Bridging Vocabulary Gap Zhiyuan Liu, Xinxiong Chen, Yabin Zheng and Maosong Sun | |
Using Second-order Vectors in a Knowledge-based Method for Acronym Disambiguation Bridget T. McInnes, Ted Pedersen, Ying Liu, Serguei V. Pakhomov and Genevieve B. Melton | |
Using the Mutual k-Nearest Neighbor Graphs for Semi-supervised Classification on Natural Language Data Kohei Ozaki, Masashi Shimbo, Mamoru Komachi and Yuji Matsumoto | |
Automatically Building Training Examples for Entity Extraction Marco Pennacchiotti and Patrick Pantel | |
Probabilistic Word Alignment under the $L_0$-norm Thomas Schoenemann | |
Authorship Attribution with Latent Dirichlet Allocation Yanir Seroussi, Ingrid Zukerman and Fabian Bohnert | |
Evaluating a Semantic Network Automatically Constructed from Lexical Co-occurrence on a Word Sense Disambiguation Task Sean Szumlanski and Fernando Gomez | |
Filling the Gap: Semi-Supervised Learning for Opinion Detection Across Domains Ning Yu and Sandra Kübler | |
A Normalized-Cut Alignment Model for Mapping Hierarchical Semantic Structures onto Spoken Documents Xiaodan Zhu | |
Friday, June 24, 2011 | |
Shared Task on Modeling Unrestricted Coreference in OntoNotes | |
9:00–10:30 | Shared Task Overview and Oral Presentations |
10:30–11:00 | Coffee Break |
11:00–12:30 | Shared Task Posters |
12:30–14:00 | Lunch Break |
14:00–15:00 | (Invited talk) Bayesian Tools for Natural Language Learning Yee Whye Teh |
15:00–15:30 | SIGNLL Business Meeting |
15:30–16:00 | Coffee Break |
Session 4 | |
16:00–16:25 | Composing Simple Image Descriptions using Web-scale N-grams Siming Li, Girish Kulkarni, Tamara L. Berg, Alexander C. Berg and Yejin Choi |
16:25–16:50 | Adapting Text instead of the Model: An Open Domain Approach Gourab Kundu and Dan Roth |
16:50–17:15 | Learning with Lookahead: Can History-Based Models Rival Globally Optimized Models? Yoshimasa Tsuruoka, Yusuke Miyao and Jun’ichi Kazama |
17:15–17:40 | Learning Discriminative Projections for Text Similarity Measures Wen-tau Yih, Kristina Toutanova, John C. Platt and Christopher Meek |
17:40–17:45 | Best Paper Award and Closing |