Fifteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning


Thursday, June 23, 2011

9:00–9:05Opening Remarks
 Session 1
9:05–9:30Modeling Syntactic Context Improves Morphological Segmentation
Yoong Keok Lee, Aria Haghighi and Regina Barzilay
9:30–9:55The Effect of Automatic Tokenization, Vocalization, Stemming, and POS Tagging on Arabic Dependency Parsing
Emad Mohamed
9:55–10:20Punctuation: Making a Point in Unsupervised Dependency Parsing
Valentin I. Spitkovsky, Hiyan Alshawi and Daniel Jurafsky
10:20–10:50Coffee Break
 Session 2
10:50–11:15Modeling Infant Word Segmentation
Constantine Lignos
11:15–11:40Word Segmentation as General Chunking
Daniel Hewlett and Paul Cohen
11:40–12:40(Invited talk) Computational Linguistics for Studying Language in People: Principles, Applications and Research Problems
Bruce Hayes
12:40–14:00Lunch Break
 Session 3
14:00–14:25Search-based Structured Prediction applied to Biomedical Event Extraction
Andreas Vlachos and Mark Craven
14:25–14:50Using Sequence Kernels to identify Opinion Entities in Urdu
Smruthi Mukund, Debanjan Ghosh and Rohini Srihari
14:50–15:15Subword and Spatiotemporal Models for Identifying Actionable Information in Haitian Kreyol
Robert Munro
15:15–15:40Gender Attribution: Tracing Stylometric Evidence Beyond Topic and Genre
Ruchita Sarawgi, Kailash Gajulapalli and Yejin Choi
15:40–16:10Coffee Break
16:10–17:45Main Session Posters
 Improving the Impact of Subjectivity Word Sense Disambiguation on Contextual Opinion Analysis
Cem Akkaya, Janyce Wiebe, Alexander Conrad and Rada Mihalcea
 Effects of Meaning-Preserving Corrections on Language Learning
Dana Angluin and Leonor Becerra-Bonache
 Assessing Benefit from Feature Feedback in Active Learning for Text Classification
Shilpa Arora and Eric Nyberg
 ULISSE: an Unsupervised Algorithm for Detecting Reliable Dependency Parses
Felice Dell’Orletta, Giulia Venturi and Simonetta Montemagni
 Language Models as Representations for Weakly Supervised NLP Tasks
Fei Huang, Alexander Yates, Arun Ahuja and Doug Downey
 Automatic Keyphrase Extraction by Bridging Vocabulary Gap
Zhiyuan Liu, Xinxiong Chen, Yabin Zheng and Maosong Sun
 Using Second-order Vectors in a Knowledge-based Method for Acronym Disambiguation
Bridget T. McInnes, Ted Pedersen, Ying Liu, Serguei V. Pakhomov and Genevieve B. Melton
 Using the Mutual k-Nearest Neighbor Graphs for Semi-supervised Classification on Natural Language Data
Kohei Ozaki, Masashi Shimbo, Mamoru Komachi and Yuji Matsumoto
 Automatically Building Training Examples for Entity Extraction
Marco Pennacchiotti and Patrick Pantel
 Probabilistic Word Alignment under the $L_0$-norm
Thomas Schoenemann
 Authorship Attribution with Latent Dirichlet Allocation
Yanir Seroussi, Ingrid Zukerman and Fabian Bohnert
 Evaluating a Semantic Network Automatically Constructed from Lexical Co-occurrence on a Word Sense Disambiguation Task
Sean Szumlanski and Fernando Gomez
 Filling the Gap: Semi-Supervised Learning for Opinion Detection Across Domains
Ning Yu and Sandra Kübler
 A Normalized-Cut Alignment Model for Mapping Hierarchical Semantic Structures onto Spoken Documents
Xiaodan Zhu

Friday, June 24, 2011

 Shared Task on Modeling Unrestricted Coreference in OntoNotes
9:00–10:30Shared Task Overview and Oral Presentations
10:30–11:00Coffee Break
11:00–12:30Shared Task Posters
12:30–14:00Lunch Break
14:00–15:00(Invited talk) Bayesian Tools for Natural Language Learning
Yee Whye Teh
15:00–15:30SIGNLL Business Meeting
15:30–16:00Coffee Break
 Session 4
16:00–16:25Composing Simple Image Descriptions using Web-scale N-grams
Siming Li, Girish Kulkarni, Tamara L. Berg, Alexander C. Berg and Yejin Choi
16:25–16:50Adapting Text instead of the Model: An Open Domain Approach
Gourab Kundu and Dan Roth
16:50–17:15Learning with Lookahead: Can History-Based Models Rival Globally Optimized Models?
Yoshimasa Tsuruoka, Yusuke Miyao and Jun’ichi Kazama
17:15–17:40Learning Discriminative Projections for Text Similarity Measures
Wen-tau Yih, Kristina Toutanova, John C. Platt and Christopher Meek
17:40–17:45Best Paper Award and Closing