2000 | 2002


Proceedings of CoNLL-2001

The Fifth Workshop on Computational Language Learning (CoNLL-2001) was held on 6 and 7 July 2001 in association with ACL-2001 in Toulouse, France.

Paper copies of these proceedings can be ordered from the Association for Computational Linguistics, 75 Paterson Street, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 USA, phone: +1-732-342-9100, fax: +1-732-342-9339, e-mail: acl@aclweb.org or from Morgan Kaufman Publishers.

The editors of these proceedings are Walter Daelemans and Rémi Zajac.

CoNLL-2001 Invited Papers

Empirical NLP: Does the web change everything?
Eric Brill
(no paper submitted)
Learning Computational Grammars
John Nerbonne
[abstract] [ps] [pdf] [bibtex]

CoNLL-2001 Papers

Learning class-to-class selectional preferences
Eneko Agirre and David Martinez
[abstract] [pdf] [bibtex]

Inducing Probabilistic Invertible Translation Grammars from Aligned Texts
Michael Carl
[abstract] [ps] [pdf] [bibtex]

Unsupervised Induction of Stochastic Context-Free Grammars using Distributional Clustering
Alexander Clark
[abstract] [ps] [pdf] [bibtex]

A Mixture-of-Experts Framework for Text Classification
Andrew Estabrooks and Nathalie Japkowicz
[abstract] [ps] [pdf] [bibtex]

Multidimensional Transformation-Based Learning
Radu Florian and Grace Ngai
[abstract] [ps] [pdf] [bibtex]

Probabilistic Models for PP-attachment Resolution and NP Analysis
Eric Gaussier and Nicola Cancedda
[abstract] [ps] [pdf] [bibtex]

Combining a self-organizing map with memory-based learning
James Hammerton and Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang
[abstract] [ps] [pdf] [bibtex]

Coreference Resolution with Syntactico-Semantic Rules and Corpus Statistics
Sven Hartrumpf
[abstract] [ps] [pdf] [bibtex]

On Minimizing Training Corpus for Parser Acquisition
Rebecca Hwa
[abstract] [ps] [pdf] [bibtex]

Distributional Phrase Structure Induction
Dan Klein and Christopher Manning
[abstract] [ps] [pdf] [bibtex]

Exploring Evidence for Shallow Parsing
Xin Li and Dan Roth
[abstract] [ps] [pdf] [bibtex]

Automatic Distinction of Arguments and Modifiers: the Case of Prepositional Phrases
Paola Merlo and Matthias Leybold
[abstract] [ps] [pdf] [bibtex]

Combining Linguistic and Machine Learning Techniques for Email Summarization
Smaranda Muresan, Evelyne Tzoukermann and Judith L. Klavans
[abstract] [ps] [pdf] [bibtex]

Learning to identify animate references
Constantin Orasan and Richard Evans
[abstract] [ps] [pdf] [bibtex]

Semantic Pattern Learning Through Maximum Entropy-based WSD technique
Maximiliano Saiz-Noeda, Armando Suárez and Manuel Palomar
[abstract] [ps] [pdf] [bibtex]

Automatic Verb Classification Using Multilingual Resources
Vivian Tsang and Suzanne Stevenson
[abstract] [ps] [pdf] [bibtex]

A Psychologically Plausible and Computationally Effective Approach to Learning Syntax
Stephen Watkinson and Suresh Manandhar
[abstract] [ps] [pdf] [bibtex]

Morpholog: Constrained and Supervised Learning of Morphology
Rémi Zajac
[abstract] [ps] [pdf] [bibtex]

CoNLL-2001 Shared Task Papers

Note: at the workshop some of the participants have presented results that are different from the ones mentioned in their paper. Whenever possible an update of the paper with the improved results is available alongside the original version.

Introduction to the CoNLL-2001 Shared Task: Clause Identification
Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang and Hervé Déjean
original: [abstract] [ps] [pdf] [bibtex]
update: [abstract] [ps] [pdf] [bibtex]
sheets: [ps] [pdf]

Boosting Trees for Clause Splitting
Xavier Carreras and Luís Màrquez
[ps] [pdf] [bibtex] [system output]

Using ALLiS for Clausing
Hervé Déjean
[abstract] [ps] [pdf] [bibtex] [system output]

Clause identification with Long Short-Term Memory
James Hammerton
[ps] [pdf] [bibtex] [system output]

Clause Detection using HMM
Antonio Molina and Ferran Pla
original: [ps] [pdf] [bibtex] [system output]
update: paper not available [system output]

Boosted Decision Graphs for NLP Learning Tasks
Jon D. Patrick and Ishaan Goyal
original: [abstract] [ps] [pdf] [bibtex] [system output]
update: paper not available [system output]

Memory-Based Clause Identification
Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang
original: [ps] [pdf] [bibtex] [system output]
update: [ps] [pdf] [bibtex] [system output]

Last update: January 21, 2003. erikt@uia.ua.ac.be