Following on from CoNLL 98 (Adelaide, South Australia) and CoNLL 97 (Madrid, Spain), SIGNLL, in conjunction with the TMR Project Learning Computational Grammars, are pleased to announce CoNLL99.
As usual, papers are solicited on the broad area of computational language learning, including, but not limited to:
Additionally, CoNLL invites groups to take part in a shared task:
Participating groups would all be provided with the same training and testing material, and would all use the same evaluation criteria, thus allowing comparison between various learning technologies. Although the task is focussed, it is of importance in Information Retrieval, Information Extraction and other, similar tasks, and so not artificial. The TMR homepage gives further details of the task. Interested groups should contact Miles Osborne ( for further information.
Lance Ramshaw (BBN Technologies)
Miles Osborne (U. Groningen)
Erik Tjong Kim Sang (U. Antwerp)
Miles Osborne
Faculteit der Letteren
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Postbus 716
Papers should be a maximum of 10 sides long and prepared using LaTeX with the ACL submission style (aclsub.sty), which is available from the ACL LISTSERV.
26th March, 1999: Deadline for submitted papers.
16th April, 1999: Notification of acceptance.
23rd April, 1999: Camera ready copy.
12th June, 1999: Workshop.